Kelly Barton
Kelly started with a lab mutt in Southern California on a Diggler scooter.
“After moving to Oregon, I trained under Karen Yeargain until I founded my own kennel.”
A mushing highlight was “raising my first litter of puppies in 2023 and seeing them excel in harness now.”
Future goals include “Creating a competitive 100-200 mile Siberian Husky team and developing my own working line.”
“Last winter, I was taking a less familiar trail and missed a turn. Ended up in a dead-end snopark. Couldn't get my hook down fast enough to stop my 12 dog team before I ended up sliding down the berm and on my side into the parking lot. The dogs parked us at a snowmobile trailer. A couple of guys helped me up. Got the dogs to U-turn in a fairly tight space and up the berm we went, back on the trail! I'm pretty sure I caught some air on the way out and wished I had caught it on video.”
Hometown: Bend, OR
Occupation: Veterinarian
Hobbies: Hiking, backpacking, kayaking, and sled dogs!
Kennel Name: Paradox Siberians
Number of Dogs: 15
Number of Years Racing: 15
Breed Used: Siberian Huskies
Lead Dogs: Larka and Sabin
Category: 100 Mile Race