Ryan Clegg

Ryan got his start mushing in 2023 while Glacier dogsledding. A highlight was finishing the Canadian Challenge Sled Dog Race. He hopes to start his own kennel and run a tour business.

“My first time driving a sled, somehow my whole leg got caught in the break. I have no idea how it got there or how it even fit. Luckily the snow was deep so the sled dragged to a stop (thanks to the resistance caused by my leg). To this day, no one else knows it happened and I walked off with zero injuries.”

  • Hometown: Meridian, ID

  • Occupation: Full time musher tour guide

  • Hobbies:  Dog mushing, hiking, hunting, fishing, backpacking.

  • Kennel Name:  Bear Ridge Adventures

  • Number of Dogs:  8

  • Number of Years Racing: 2

  • Breed Used:  Alaskan Huskies

  • Lead Dogs:

Category: 100 Mile Race